Sunday, March 16, 2014



Bibliography: “Hypnotherapy and Poetry Articles Bibliography”
Subject: Joshua asked me to investigate the use of hypnotherapy in the construction of poetry. He gave me two resources he had previously found that referred to this process as “trance poetry”. He said he wanted to expand even further than this in order to create a pamphlet about the topic. A pamphlet is a 10-page paper booklet usually used for education purposes. Below I detail why each of these items is relevant. At the end, two items that I found in my search that were not relevant are included along with explanation.

Adams, Peter. "Language, Mysticism, and Hypnotizability: a Brief Communication." International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. 56.1 (2008): 73-82. Print.
            This discussed the use of hypnotherapy as an experiment with language.

Blanchard, Margaret, and S B. Sowbel. "The Breaking of Waves in a Steady Surf: the Transformative Power of Rhythm and Emotion in Poetry." Journal of Poetry Therapy. 18.1 (2005): 249-263. Print.
            Although not directly related to hypnotherapy, this article referenced a poet associated with Wave and her work in poetry therapy.

Cirillo, Leonard, and Cathleen Crider. "Distinctive Therapeutic Uses Of Metaphor." Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training 32.4 (1995): 511-519. Print.
            Metaphor is huge part of poetry and the use of it coupled with hypnotherapy is loosely related to the topic assigned.

Conrad, CA. “A Conversation with Alice Notley on Trance, Tarot and Poetry.” Ten Thousand by the Fourth of July (30 January 2007). Retrieved from:
            The title (as well as the content) directly links the subject. An added bonus: CA Conrad is a Wave poet.

Di, Donato R. "The Function of Trance and Dream in the Poetry of Annette Von Droste-Hulshoff." Dissertation Abstracts: Section A. Humanities and Social Science. 38 (1978). Print.
            Self explanatory

Johnson, Scott. "Storytelling and the Therapeutic Process: the Teller's Trance." Journal of Poetry Therapy. 4.3 (1991): 141-48. Print.
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            Although this article speaks of storytelling and not poetry, many poems tell stories and the process of writing share similar qualities.
Joron, Andrew. Trance Archive: New and Selected Poems. San Francisco: City Lights Books, 2010. Print.
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            A collection of poems created through trance (examples are included/sited in several articles).

MacMillan, Katie. “Trance-scripts: the poetics of a reflexive guide to hypnosis and trance talk, a Doctoral Thesis.” (1996).
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            Self explanatory

Mitchell, Robert. "Suspended Animation, Slow Time, and the Poetics of Trance." Pmla: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. 126.1 (2011): 107. Print.
            Self explanatory

Prevallet, Kristin. “Are Your Memories Biological?” Trance Poetics Blog (13 January 2014). Retrieved from:
            Self explanatory

Prevallet, Kristin.  “Charles Olson Project.” Trance Poetics Blog (2010). Retrieved from:
            Self explanatory

Prevallet, Kristin. “Ouilpo: A Structural Therapy.” Trance Poetics Blog (27 December 2007). Retrieved from:
            Note: interview referenced in article is included in this bibliography, see Shaw.
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Roberts, Thomas B. "Haiku: Language, Communication, and Hypnosis." American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. 47.3 (2005): 199-209. Print.
            Self explanatory

Schulman, Robert E.; London, Perry. “Hypnosis and verbal learning.” The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, Vol 67(4), Oct 1963, 363-370.
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Broad overview of the use of hypnotherapy and language.

Shaw, Lytle. “An Interview with Harry Mathews.” Chicago Review Vol. 23, no. 2 (Spring 1997), p. 36-55.
            See previous note.
Snyder, Edward D. Hypnotic Poetry: A Study of Trance-Inducing Technique in Certain Poems and Its Literary Significance. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1930. Print.
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            Self explanatory

Snyder, ED, and RE Shor. "Trance-inductive Poetry: a Brief Communication." The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. 31.1 (1983): 1-7. Print.
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            Self explanatory

Tegner, Ingrid, John Fox, Robin Philipp, and Pamela Thorne. "Evaluating the Use of Poetry to Improve Well-Being and Emotional Resilience in Cancer Patients." Journal of Poetry Therapy. 22.3 (2009): 121-131. Print.
            Self explanatory

Yee, Grace. "Hypnotherapy." Going Down Swinging. (2006): 26-27. Print.
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            A broad overview of the use of hypnotherapy, including a chapter on its relation to poetry creation.

Nonrelevant Materials:
Glazer, Gary. The Alzheimer Poetry Project.
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This project relates to the use of poetry in therapy, but my assignment was the use of hypnotherapy in relation to the construction of poetry.
Janet Zweig Website

Although this site was included as a resource in one of books Joshua gave me, it did not provide any relevant information to the topic. This was true for the majority of this publication’s bibliography.

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